
Some tips for me and other

Monitoring HDDs in ESXi with MegaRAID

  1. Download MegaRAID SAS VMware SMIS Provider VIB from the Support & Downloads tab on this page.
  2. Enable SSH on my ESXi host. This involved the following steps:
    • Go to the Configuration tab for the host in vSphere Client
    • Select “Security Profile” under Software
    • Click the “Properties…” hyperlink next to Services
    • Click on “SSH” in the list, then “Options…”, then “Start”
  3. Use scp to copy the VIB file to /tmp on the host: scp vmware-esx-provider-LSIProvider.vib root@esxhostname:/tmp
  4. Log into the host via SSH: ssh root@esxhostname
  5. Install the VIB file: esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/vmware-esx-provider-LSIProvider.vib

    5a. If you got signature errors during the installation, install with the option --no-sig-check (official documentation states you can change the sig-check level, but i could not install regardless of the level) : esxcli software vib install --no-sig-check -v /tmp/vmware-esx-provider-LSIProvider.vib

  6. Reboot the ESXi host

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