Network speed+ SSD/HDD
10GbE can be saturated by a single SAS3 SSD, two SAS2 SSDs, or 6 HDDs (assuming 200MB/s/drive). 5GbE can do about 3 HDDs, while 2.5GbE will bottleneck on just two HDDs. When you get into NVMe, you’re looking at saturating 25GbE with a single Gen3 drive.
RDP + RDG + MFA + More time to login
DWORD registry key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp called “LogonTimeout” and setting the decimal value to the number of seconds needed such as 60.
Powershell + CSS in the tables
Not all CSS style instructions work in Outlook. There some tricks to colorize tables: Zebra in the table $Body = $Body -replace ‘(?.)\r\n(?.)’,’${first}${second}’ Replace in the table started from 3 to red and less to green $Body = $Body -replace ‘(?[3-9][0-9]{1,})(?.)’,’${first}${second}’ -replace ‘(?[1-2][0-9]{1,})(?.)’,’${first}${second}’ Simple replace $Body = $Body -replace <td>1</td>,<td bgcolor=#333>1</td>
Exchange 2019 + renew the certificate
You cannot renew the certificate via WebGUI, Powershell only. We will use Godaddy and we have the existing certificate which we will renew. Get the renewed certificate from Godaddy. Run IIS management console on the first Exchange server. Go to Server certificates and click Complete certificate request. Choose the certificate from Godaddy. It will appear […]
Test SMTP NTLM AUTH with TELNET + hint
The process: Notice: the base64 linux and windows encoding are different. The command to encode in powershell: [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(“password”)) hint: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37996640/how-can-i-base64-encode-a-string-on-linux-so-it-matches-windows-unicode-getbytehttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/37996640/how-can-i-base64-encode-a-string-on-linux-so-it-matches-windows-unicode-getbyte If you plan to bring a string encoded in Powershell into Linux then do the following, first encode in Powershell Then in Linux do the following:
Ubuntu + Script to extend a disk
#!/bin/bash fdisk /dev/sda << FDISK_CMDS n w FDISK_CMDS partprobe /dev/sda a=$(vgs | awk ‘ NR==2 {print $1;}’) vgextend “$a” /dev/sda3 b=$(vgdisplay | awk ‘ NR==17 {print $3;}’) lvextend -l +”$b” /dev/$a/ubuntu-lv resize2fs /dev/$a/ubuntu-lv Usefull link: https://packetpushers.net/ubuntu-extend-your-default-lvm-space/ Manual: