
Some tips for me and other

Logoff inactive users

  1. The first variant: use winexit.scr from Windows 2003 Toolkit. The minus: it doesn’t help if a user lock his account and another user is switched. The plus: there is an announcement and countdown.
  2. The worked solution: use iddlelogoff.exe from Intelliadmin (free):
  • Download
  • Open Group Policy Managment console and create a new policy for an OU.
  • Use WMI-Filters to filter PCs for applying:
  • SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Name = ‘WS1’ or Name = ‘2’ or Name = ‘WS3’ or Name = ‘WS4’ or Name = ‘WS5’

  • Under User Configuration – Windows Settings – Scripts – Add Logon script idlelogoff.exe with parameters e.g. “600 logoff”. USe “Browse” button to open the Sysvol place and paste the file there.
  • ul2 ul2

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